Monday, October 25, 2004

Squids (I) writing project II

Aaron, one of Roni's fathers, was carrying her. She was numb all over and uneasy. She didn't know why, but there was some kind of danger. She could feel that much anyway. It was like she was still sleeping. The world around her seemed to rush by in a blur. She couldn't hear anything but the muffled steps and panting from Aaron. "Papa, what's happening?" Roni asked.

The world stopped abruptly. Her head turned to the sound of a familiar voice. "Oh, Roni, you're awake." He pulled her up close and hugged her tight. "You're going to be alright. You had me and your dad so worried."

Roni found it difficult to focus her eyes. So, she tried even harder to see him. With great effort things came into view. The fuzziness cleared a little. She could make out his face. Her Papa always had a beard, brown and bushy. "Papa, what's going on? Where's daddy?"

"Daddy's waiting for us, baby, but we have to hurry." Aaron adjusted Roni in his arms, cradled her, and started to run. Roni felt as though she should object to this, but was too tired to argue. She was supposed to tell him something, but couldn't remember. She recalled being in a dark place and then coming out in to the light to get warm. It was like her people were waking up, but she didn't know what that meant.

That was just a dream, though. Then she remembered it was not a dream. "Papa, I am supposed to tell you." She waited for a response. She could feel a bit more in her surrounding. There was a path or a walk way they were on. It smelled like they were near the water. She could hear the sounds of waves hitting the beach.

"What is it, baby? Papa's listening."

She took a moment to recall what she was going to say, "ah, it's about the squids. They said they would help."

"Baby, the squids are back at the complex," Aaron breathed hard.

Frustrated at this response, she wanted to grab hold of his face. She could always get his attention when she held his face. Roni tried to pull her hands free and get some leverage. She was being jostled around in her father's arms, and now she felt she could move a bit more, hands freed.

"Roni, what are you doing, baby. Calm down, we're almost to the truck." Her hands reached his face, and she turned his head to her. He slowed to a brisk walk.

She concentrated really hard and pushed with her mind to make him stop. Once she had his complete attention she wanted to get her point across to him. She had to let him know. "Papa, the squids will help us. They promised they would help."

Aaron let out a patient sigh. “Listen, the squids have been very helpful. They gave us you, and for that we will be eternally grateful. But the complex will never let us go, and they will never let the squids go. I don't think they can let the world know about us or them. I'm afraid of what they will do to us, if they catch us.” He looked back the way they came and seemed relieved that no one was coming.

“Papa, you know the squid named Bright. He said I was special. That I am a one of a kind. He taught me some things. He told me why you and daddy were allowed to have a child.”

“Baby, can this wait?”

Shaking her head, “No. Cause they said, you and daddy have the genetic codes to help them, unique like me.”

Aaron picked her up and started to run again. “I know they say a lot of things like that, but we don't know what the squids really want.”

This time most of the feeling in her arms and legs had come back, and she held on tight as he ran. She decided to try again later. Before long Roni saw a truck flash its headlights.

Aaron's tone lightened with excitement. “That's him, baby. We're almost out of here.”

Roni was happy to see her daddy again. “Daddy!”

He was standing beside the truck waiving his hands as he ran toward them. She thought it had been several days since she had last seen him. He never wore a beard, but it looked like he had not shaved today. She could barely make out his dimpled chin she with which she was so familiar, but his broad shoulders and thick neck were unmistakable.

“You're a sight for sore eyes,” Jerry said.

They all embraced. Roni hugged them both as tight as she could. Her strength was coming back. At that moment, she never wanted to let go. She couldn't remember the last time they were all together like this. It must have been months, because her most recent memory of them all in one place, as a family, had been when it snowed here at the complex. She was very happy at this moment.

More of her memories came back to her. It was three months ago that it had snowed. They were in a mountain valley back then. They were being watched. Someone was keeping a close eye on them. Watching how they acted, and what was done. Her fathers did not know how closely their every move was monitored, but Roni's senses kept getting stronger. The squids told her to keep an eye out for things, and to watch for secret eyes. So, she did. And the more she looked for those hidden eyes, the easier she could find them.

She recalled it was a camping trip with fishing and campfires with marshmallows, and it got too cold. So, the trip was called off a little early. These memories were a welcome flood of happy times.

But something else happened. The trip was called off, but not for the cold. That was just what she was told, but they had been ordered back to the complex. It was the watchers, those field agents, that found out she knew.

Her fathers were with her again, and that seemed to be all that mattered. She was very glad. Her senses picked up some kind of urgency, but it was far away.

“Am I glad you two are alright. Were you followed? Any alarms?” Jerry asked.

“No, we were quiet. I avoided the cameras. Roni's still shaking off the Canimal 38, but she'll be right as rain in a bit. I can't believe we made it. Let's get outa here.”

They got in the truck, and started on their way. Roni sat between the two men, happy as any time before. “Where we goin?” She asked.

“We're going to visit my cousin in Dallas. He'll have us for a week or two, but I don't think we should stay with him very long.”

Roni's senses were sharpening as they drove. The dawn was approaching from the east and soon the road would be easier to see. Her vision drifted further up the road they were on. Roni found she could see beyond what her eyes would normally tell her. At first, not realizing what she saw was more than her imagination, her surroundings seemed to clear a path for her as she tried to look ahead. Like the world was in a crystal clear snow globe, she only had to turn the globe to see what was around the corner.

To Roni's surprise, she discovered they were on an island. She also got the distinct impression that the squids had followed them. The squids had escaped, just like they said they would. The alarms had been sounded, and a helicopter was on its way.

“Daddy, Papa?” She asked. “The squids are free and they're trying to find us.”

Jerry said, “Now, the squids can take care of themselves. I don't think you should worry about them. They'll be alright at the complex. Once we get to Dallas we'll pick up a puppy or a little kitty. Won't that be nice?”

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