Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Adventures of Mara
Mara stood tall on Hermesa overlooking the Flatlands below. To the right of the Flatlands was the Familiar forest. Familiar to these last few dreams, anyway. The only thing that hasn't changed in their never ending nightmare place was the forest. Misted over with clouds hanging high and low over it.
A harsh wind began to blow. It carried the scent of people in a city. From this vantage, Mara could see the buildings on her left rise up over the horizon. She could find some answers there. Cities always had answers for her.
Suddenly the picture of the city began to fade. "Crap! I've got to stay focused," Mara scolded herself, trying to hold on to this dream element. Desperately pushing herself to remember the city. She leaped from the mesa and took flight. The air was thin and it was hard to breath. Then she spoke aloud, "By the mystic flame of Matii, I am at the city!"
Instantly Mara found herself at the bottom of a cement staircase. They lead to an apartment building with double doors with an old fashioned gargoyle knockers. Cars were parked in the street cramped together like sardines. It had the effect of a wall baring passage to crossing. Down the side walk were small tires lined all in a row, city style. At the end of the trees the forest began. Its mist pulsing in and out of the edge trying to escape to the forests grasp.
"I'm not going in there." Mara said to herself. "Not yet."
By this time the doors to the apartment building had become a cave entrance. The torches lit the way she knew she had to continue.

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