Monday, February 26, 2007
When the Wind Blows - The Cradle Will Fall
Psychic Adventure Scenario

(*Initial Setup
Players are in a crowded area. Faint and brief flashes of normal psychic activity can be felt by those who can sense it. Then out of nowhere a woman comes plowing through the crowd, and jerks forward in a comical act of falling forward. Whether the PCs catch her from the fall or not, she says, "don't let them have it." her dieing breath is spent handing a plastic card to the players. Panic will start to errupt in the crowd as people try to get out of the way. This will delay the officers slightly, giving the PCs a chance to assess the situation.

(*Psychics Feelings
Precognition will alert the player that a young woman will e shot by uniformed officers that wink out of the vision.
Postcognition will reveal the woman surprised that she could not use her powers on the officers. The officers wink out of the image the vision brings.
Empaths will fell dread and then nothing. But then a curiosity from the card flashes and then nothing.
Telepath will sense the woman expire, perhaps a name, Sherry, is given. Then almost a thought of "What?" coming from the card. Then nothing.
Psychic artist wor anyone with psychic sense will feel the presence of something in the card.
Psychoelectronics will sense an active computer in the card.
Etherialist will sense a presence of some kind in the card.

The PCs must act quickly, as the uniformed officers push their way to get at the woman. Any psychic activity around the officers are suppressed by 5 Ranks, effectively reducing powers to Poor[-2] or less. If powers are used and exceed the threshold even after the -5 Ranks, then an alarm will sound on any of the officers that would be affected. The device will simply alert them, but not give a direction.

The officers are military agents specially trained to deal with psychics. They were sent to retrieve this woman and her possessions. Their detector targets something on her possession. The team is in intermittent radio contact with their superiors. Dressed in dark fatigues, mirrored sun glasses, bullet proof vests, and an assortment of concealed weapons, this small team of agents will be difficult to take out, if attempted. All four of these officers are in top physical condition. They are profoundly dedicated to the force. They have all received training in blocking mental contact, and resisting psychic attacks. They've been trained in the use of Null Psi devices, psychic tracers, and psi alarms. They were not told what they were looking for specifically, but the detectors they carry would be able to find it when they get close.

(*Team One
Johnny Dell is the lead officer, dark hair bordering auburn, round baby face, and freckles to match. He was under orders to get in and get out. If things got too messy, then get out and send in the 2nd team.
Tactical Specialist Expert[+4].
Born Leader Good[+2].
Must Follow Orders Poor[-2].
Null Psi Training Expert[+4].
Soldier Master[+6].
Prone to Depression Poor[-2].

Dwain Howard is next in line, brown stringy hair, high forehead, and a goofy smile that seemed etched into his features. Dwain is slightly out of his mind. In fact, he has a grudge against psychics. He used to be one. He was niced. He is a powder ceg ready to blow when it comes to tracking down psychics.
Demolitions Expert[+4].
Hatred of Psychics Good[+2].
Null Psi Training Expert[+4].
Soldier Expert[+4].
Prone to Depression Poor[-2].

Melissa Mahoney is a veteran soldier, sandy blond hair, tough as nails, but with a surprisingly soft voice. She was recruited a year ago after discovering the secret about psychics. She was clever enough to follow the leads that were left like a trail of crumbs to potential recruits.
Investigator Expert[+4].
Tough Good[+2].
Null Psi Training Expert[+4].
Soldier Expert[+4].
Curious Poor[-2].

Melody Erics was the perfect recruit, long golden blond hair, fast as lightning, and smarter than most rocket scientists, and this is her first official assignment. She performs everything she does flawlessly, bordering on psychic intuition. She has an extreme soft spot for children, which may be her undoing one of these days.
Honed Reflexes Good[+2].
Improviser Expert[+2].
Brilliant Good[+2].
Null Psi Training Good[+2].
Soldier Master[+6].
Protect Children Poor[-2].

(*Dead Woman
If any attempt is made to psychically revive the young woman, a psi granade will go off. It will feel like a psychic scream in everyones head, causing 4 failure ranks, and 1 damage rank to a psychic power.

(*Messy Option
If things get messy and the 2nd team is called in then the following:
The second team consists of brute force numbers spread throughout the crowd. If the PCs are not members of the Seishin faction, the second team will also encounter Seishin agents soon after. With great effort the Seishin will attempt to overcome the soldiers by overloading their Null Psi devices. This will be the opportunity for the PCs to either leave the situation, fight the Team One officers and/or then face the Seishin. If it looks as though the PCs will attempt to stick around, one of them will sense a psychic power being used on them. A Seishin agent will be headed in their direction with a blank look on his face. The PCs again will have one last opportunity to leave the scene, because a child's balloons will cut loose distracting the agent and others visually with one of the balloons popping loudly.

(*No So Messy
If things do not get messy and the 2nd team is not called in then the officers, during any confrontation, will briefly switch their attention to a baby's whaling. This will grab the specific attention of Officer Melody Erics. She will quickly move to the baby's location. Officer Melissa Mahoney will keep a careful eye on her, unless otherwise ordered to do something else. Officer Johnny Dell will call out to Melody and be promptly be ignored. With an assortment of people scrambling too and fro, the PCs may make a run for it. Dwain will be the one that launches any Psi grenades.

(*Easy Cleanup Option
For a less messy scene, and when powers are not displayed, Shadow agents will move in and start fixing peoples memories and altering records as needed to indicated a terrorist plot or some other domestic disturbance. Careful to make sure their accounts do not match.

(*Messy Cleanup Option
If too many psychic powers are displayed in public view, then precogs in the party will start to have flashes of news reports about psychics, the public in danger, and witch hunts for wiping out psychics, bombing cities, and other horrific scenes of humans destroying humans. Sense precogs would have seen this coming, members of various factions will be nearby to fix the memories and records of the events.

If the PCs find the security center, they will find it locked. Again a Null Psi field of -5 Ranks will be in place. If the PCs manage to get inside, the PCs find more officers erasing recordings of the happenings.

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